Three approaches to Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling By Matthew McDonald, LCPC, LMFT Many people advertise themselves as Christian counselors or offer Christian counseling as part of their specialties, and many clergy members or ministers will recommend to their members that they seek out Christian...

Water, Water, Everywhere

On our recent family vacation to the beach, I experienced the intense feelings of relaxation and release that I get every time I’m near the ocean. The waves, the salty air, the damp sand between my toes — I’m never as calm and centered as when I am...

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

E M D R (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy) At the time of a traumatic or disturbing event, strong emotions interfere with our ability to completely process the experience and one moment becomes “frozen in time.” Recalling the event may feel as...

Go Gently

Take the gentle path. — George Herbert   We celebrate achievement. We encourage effort, determination, “giving it the old college try.” We are impressed when someone overcomes adversity, and we appreciate a good...

Beware the Anti-Mother!!

I can imagine the movie poster for the film about my life: a hideous, giant monster, with fangs and claws dripping blood, terrorizing the young children in her path with punishments, recriminations and selfishness. “Attack of the Anti-Mother!” the poster...