Panic Disorder

Definition: Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder with persistent and usually unexpected panic attacks. These panic attacks are marked by the continual fear of future attacks, shifts in behavior to avoid future attacks, or both of these issues, for at least one month....
The Other Side of Fear

The Other Side of Fear

Abandon hope. I frowned, flipping back to the front cover of my book. Yep, I was smack dab in the middle of my daily Buddhist meditation reader. I reread the first line of the entry again. Abandon hope. What the…WHAT?!?! Could Pema Chodron–admired, wise...
The False Gains of Co-dependency

The False Gains of Co-dependency

The False Gains of Co-dependency   Co-dependency, with all its negative connotations, also brings benefits that make these behaviors difficult to surrender. For the “enabler” (the person who ‘does’ for the other what the other could/should do for themselves),...

Social Anxiety Disorder (formerly Social Phobia)

Definition: Social Anxiety Disorder is more than just about shyness and can be considerably disabling. A diagnosis requires that a person’s fear or anxiety must be out of proportion, in duration and/or frequency, to the actual situation. The symptoms must be...
Lose Reception. Find Yourself.

Lose Reception. Find Yourself.

  I now know what it feels like to be truly “unplugged.” For the entire week of our Caribbean cruise, I was unable to access the Internet or send or receive emails or texts. I couldn’t scan Facebook or Pinterest. I couldn’t even confirm the balance in...