Come to the Dark Side, Luke

DARK SHADOWS  In the modern era, psychologist Carl Jung popularized the concept that all human beings harbor “shadow selves”, parts of ourselves that contain impulses, thoughts, actions and emotions that we label as “bad,” destructive,...

Shelving the “Shoulds”

Part of therapy is setting goals, helping clients clarify where they are heading and how to get there. So often, I hear clients recite a litany of behaviors, choices, attitudes and feelings they think they, or others, “should” be demonstrating or...

Reefer Madness

Has marijuana gone mainstream? With the states of Colorado and Washington legalizing the use and sale of marijuana, and 20 other states allowing the use of “medical marijuana” to treat certain illnesses, it may appear that marijuana use is losing its image...

Psychology in Action

Albert Camus believed that psychology is ACTION, that we cannot know ourselves simply by thinking about who we are, we must ACT. And yet owning our power and behaving from its seat within us is a daunting task for many people. Assert Yourself Assertiveness can be...

Learning to Lean

Human beings are wired to avoid pain. Touch a hot stove once, and we steer clear next time the burner is lit. Get rebuffed by a loved one when we make a request, and we may hesitate to ask the next time. Similarly, we humans pursue pleasure. Remember the advertising...