Process Addictions — Beyond Drugs and Alcohol
Process addictions, like compulsive gambling, sexual behavior, shopping, are similar to addictions to substances in the way they affect the brain. But unlike abstinence from substances, some triggers to process addictions can be difficult to avoid. Human...
Creating Meaning Through Ritual
Ritual is necessary for us to know anything. - Ken Kesey At my best friend's wedding, I was able to anticipate the various components of the ceremony. Because we are familiar with the components that make up a wedding service, we can expect to see the bride walk down...
Trust–A Path to Freedom from Fear
Anxiety is more than "jitters", nervousness and worry. For many sufferers, anxiety ultimately is rooted in a sense of being unsafe, out of control or mired in unpredictability. If we peel back the worries, examine the distorted thoughts that fuel anxiety and panic,...
Medical Collaboration in Therapy
At the initial therapy appointment, your counselor may ask you to sign a physician collaboration form. This consent allows your therapist to contact your internist, family practitioner or medical specialist to ensure you receive the most consistent, comprehensive care...
Lessons from the Desert
The Arizona desert seemed like an odd vacation destination in the beginning of August. My family was sure they would melt in the heat, and I had to cajole them with promises of daily ice cream outings and a hotel room next to the pool. But in the midst of the stark,...
The Child Inside
As my son enters his junior year of high school, I am regularly reminded that he will soon be launching from our everyday lives into a more independent, autonomous incarnation. This summer has been chock full of milestones: he got his drivers license, his first...
Expecting the Best
A healer and energy therapist, Carol Tuttle challenges us to assume the BEST. Of ourselves, our circumstances, the motivations of others. That simple shift opens us to possibilities that anxiety, fear and negativity can never provide. When I invite a calm, productive...
“For Life and Death Are One” — Khalil Gibran
I attended two memorial services over the weekend. Jim, a friend from church, died after a long illness, and my high school friend's mother, Marilyn, passed unexpectedly. Both of these beloved people were past 80, although their lengthy lives don't alter the grief of...
The Many Faces of PTSD — Part III
SEEKING HELP FOR PTSD Treatment for PTSD can help symptoms from getting worse, especially if help is sought soon after the event. But regardless of how long ago the traumatic event occurred, the following therapy options can help sufferers move forward, away from the...
The Many Faces of PTSD – Part II
Clients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) experience symptoms in a myriad of individualized ways. But some similarities in their symptoms are shared by all survivors. SYMPTOMS OF PTSD After the traumatic event, survivors report the following...